Bihor Mountains (north part) & Padis map

Price: € 10,00

Type: folded

Scale: 1:50,000

New publication, 2024

Digital version is also available. It can be found at Maps for Mobile Devices

The ’Padis’ region is one of the most significant karst regions of Europe. This zone belongs to the Bihor Mountains and also is the part of the larger Apuseni Mountains.

It is also the most spectacular area of Bihor–Apuseni Mountains. The karst forms show all kind of shapes of special natural sights such as Cetăţile Ponorului, Cheile Someşului, Cheile Galbenei. Padis is easy to reach, tourists are welcomed by really good services. The map shows the marked tourist routes and natural sights especially related to Apuseni Natural Park.

The map presents also the area of Vârtop resort/ski-resort in the south and the central part of Bihor Mountains with the highest peak (Vf. Cucurbata Mare). On the map you can find the Valley of Aries in the southeast, the Scarisoara Ice Cave and the specialities of Tara Motilor.

You can find the Beius Valley in the west that is famous for characteristic wooden churches. The maps shows ’Stana de Vale” ski-resort and the waterfalls of Iad (V. Iadului) in the valley of the creek in the north. The ridge of the near Vladeasa Mountains – with the peak of Vf. Buteasa - can be found in the northeast.